The Association Amicale des Amateurs d’Andouillettes Authentiques (AAAAA) (Amical Association of Authentic Andouillettes Amateurs) fouded in 1970 with the initiative of 5 amateur gastronomic columnists of good delicatessen, honours the andouillette considered to be traditional.
These 5 friends had the habit to reunite several times in a year in the well known bistros, to taste the andouillettes provided by the good pork butchers, discovered by chance when travelling.
Today, the association has 8 sworn members who meet 2 times in a year with sophisticated gourmet guests (restaurateurs, pork butcherss, gastronomic journalists …) and taste the andouillettes. The tasting takes place following a specific protocol (blind with a number, appearance, taste, satisfaction) each parameter is expressed on
a scale from 1 to 5. After total and calculation of the average, 4/5 in each criteria has to be obtained, then the apprenticeship diplôme is given for 24 months.